
Other expert witness websites are directories. Don’t rely on a directory, work directly with me.

400+ Expert Witness cases completed nationwide.

Available by phone, email, or video conference, Dr. Lefkowitz provides professional help in preparation for depositions, litigation support, Expert witness testimony for Plaintiff & Defense, and will travel for depositions or courtroom testimony.

Todd A. Lefkowitz MD, Expert Ophthalmology Witness


100+ Expert Witness cases completed nationwide.

Available by phone, email, or video conference, Dr. Lefkowitz provides professional help in preparation for depositions, litigation support, Expert witness testimony for Plaintiff & Defense, and will travel for court room testimony.

Dr. Lefkowitz is a Board Certified ophthalmologist with over 40 years of practical experience; he is a surgeon and clinician. He has reviewed cases as an Expert Ophthalmology Witness for the Arizona Medical Board. He is a Clinical Assistant Professor at The University of Arizona Medical College Phoenix, and teaches students and residents.

He was also a physician member of the Arizona Medical Board from 2007-2010. He reviewed cases for the US Armed Services while on active duty in the US Air Force Medical Corps. He can give expert opinions on all types of Ophthalmic Surgery as well as medical conditions. He is recognized as an expert in his field in Arizona.

If you have an eye problem and haven’t spoken to a lawyer, Dr. Lefkowitz will provide a limited discussion of your problem.

Cataract Surgery Expert

Oculoplastic Surgery Expert

Refractive Surgery Expert

Glaucoma Expert

Over 30 years of practical surgical experience.

Expert Ophthalmologist Witness

Ophthalmologists typically have a high success rate of treating eye conditions, with (surgical or medical) treatment such as cataract, glaucoma, diabetic eye disease and retinal and corneal disorders. However, when things go wrong, or eyesight is affected, attorneys typically reach out to a consultant ophthalmologist expert witness for an expert opinion of whether malpractice exists.

Expert Ophthalmology Witness

Many attorneys turn to our office to consult an Expert Ophthalmology Witness during malpractice cases. Having the opinion of an expert is important when a judge or jury is trying to determine whether any malpractice occurred during an eye surgery or other treatment. An expert witness not only saves time, but also money for the attorney and client represented.

When a case is brought forward by an attorney, our expert witness’ testimony during the deposition and the trial cannot be overlooked. This expert opinion can actually be the key to getting a settlement or winning the trial case itself.

Quality Work

Dr. Lefkowitz has performed over 20,000 Eye Surgical Procedures in his 40+ year career.

If you’re looking through the ophthalmology expert witness listings, look no further. Dr. Lefkowitz has more than 40 years of experience as a board certified clinical ophthalmologist. He has been asked to serve as an expert ophthalmologist witness nationwide. Over the years, he has served as an ophthalmologist expert witness in more than 100 cases consisting of cataract surgery, eyelid surgery, refractive surgery and glaucoma.

The retainer covers review of the medical records, and drafting of a report with my opinions regarding the case.
You can send medical records by paper, email, flash drive, CD, dropbox

I have reviewed cases for both plaintiff and defense as an ophthalmology expert witness.

Yes, we comply with rulings on Coronavirus and use Zoom for most depositions and some trials.
Experience, and reading available medical literature to help determine the forensic aspects of the case.
Credit card or check

An expert ophthalmologist witness determines the cause of an eye injury by examining medical records, including eye exams and imaging results, and taking into account other relevant factors such as previous medical history and the circumstances surrounding the injury.

To become an ophthalmology expert witness, one must possess board certification in ophthalmology and have substantial clinical and surgical experience as well as expertise in the field. It is also crucial for the expert to have an understanding of the legal processes and procedures involved in expert witness testimony. The Expert Ophthalmology witness should have good judgment, be fair, and ethical.

An expert ophthalmology witness helps in a legal case by providing an unbiased evaluation of the eye injury and its cause. They offer testimony in court or depositions to support or refute the claims being made and provide clarification of complex medical concepts for the judge and jury.

An expert ophthalmology witness works with lawyers and the court system by reviewing case materials and medical records provided by the lawyers. They communicate with the lawyers to provide answers to questions and clarify any issues. They also can provide testimony in court or participate in depositions as required.

The process of hiring an expert ophthalmology witness for a legal case begins by recognizing the requirement for an expert witness. Then, it is essential to find an expert in ophthalmology with the appropriate qualifications and experience. Once the appropriate expert is located, the lawyer will get in touch with them to discuss the case and secure their services. The expert’s fee is typically required upfront, and the lawyer will provide the records to the expert for review, either through certified mail or digitally.

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